Jim Fitzpatrick

Yesterday brought the sad news that Jim Fitzpatrick had died. The tributes literally pour in trying to encapsulate the owner and chairman of the Irish News, a man who had such an effect on the public of Northern Ireland and beyond. A modest man who worked for the good of everyone, generous and wise, and I doubt if we will ever know just how vital he was to peace in this torn country of ours. I had ultimate respect for him, a man you could love for his gentle caring. I send my heartfelt sympathies to his family, they, like all those who work for The Irish News, will miss this remarkable irreplaceable, kind and gentle man.


Craft work is certainly the thing these days.  The lock down has turned people to being creative – wood work, baking, making in general from painting to crochet and gardening to study.   I’m convinced that we all have creative bones in our bodies, it’s just a matter of having time to discover them and then an interest in developing these new skills. 


Crystal Millar is grateful to her three year old son Tommy.  She calls him her quality controller, he’s honest with his opinions and he has proved to be correct.  When she realised that young children like Tommy need something to focus on when they are unhappy, she decided to recruit members of the fairy kingdom and now she has developed Fairy Worry Jars and they are selling like hot cakes. 

These are simple but with a magical twist.  She takes a glass jam jar, draws and trims pictures of fairies, fixes them inside the jar and then illuminates them with battery powered lights.  The soothing glow is a comfort for anyone but especially for young children if they are finding it hard to settle because something is concerning their tiny minds.   “That’s why I made them.  I reckoned that,  If they can talk to a fairy and get it off their chest it will be easier to tell someone else, especially a parent.  I thought about it for weeks and then decided to go ahead and see the reaction from Tommy.  He fell in love with his fairy jar so I knew others would benefit from these too.” For instance a friend’s daughter got covid and she was frightened so Crystal gave her a jar and the child began talking to her fairy friend and telling her how she was feeling.


It all began during lockdown when Crystal started painting furniture in her home in Ballyclare. Then she found she was pregnant with her second son Hunter and because she suffered post natal anxiety after Tommy, she needed something to keep her mind occupied.  “I painted a little table with a design on top and posted it on my Face Book page and it created great interest.” She developed her skills and built a craft business initially featuring painted place mats and posters.  There followed coasters, white wall tiles that become a library of local sayings, Norn’ Ireland classic slang – Flipping Baltic, Boys a Dear, Buck Eejit and the much quoted Jesus, Mary and the Wee Donkey.  No matter what message a customer wants Crystal will create. 

Life never seems to stand still for this creative woman.  She was busy with her coasters when she was asked to paint a full sized bottle and a new skill developed and she was off in a new direction.  Using recycled bottles from friends who leave them on the doorstep and she tells me, a great source is Breckenhill wedding venue who give her all the empties she can use, the garage is stacked with bottles, racks and racks holding them as they wait to be transformed.   “My boot is always full and you can hear me coming with bottles jingling .  Like the worry jars, she paints them, cuts the vinyl images to fit, somehow fixes them inside and brings the whole thing to life by hanging little fairy lights through the neck of the bottle.   The pictures shine out, local scenes, Belfast landmarks, family pictures, wedding wishes, animals, flowers and bespoke images for customers.


Now she’s working on a new mental health collection where bottles will have a positive quote and a donation will be given to mental health charities.  “After Tommy was born I was house bound, couldn’t go out of the house for weeks, the  anxiety was crippling. When I eventually did go out I worried what would happen couldn’t get home; even carrying him down the hall I worried I’d bang his head off the door.  With Hunter it’s been better, I can cope but I still take medication to calm my heart.” 


Her craft work has been her salvation. “I am so fortunate to have my mum, Jeannie Murray.  She minds the children while I work at her home in Randalstown.”  Craft markets and on line orders bring customers from all round the world.  Her dream is to own her own retail shop but with the high street as it is that’s not viable however she hopes that some day she’ll have her own show room at home, not just a display on the dining room table!   The worry jars cost £6 and £8 depending on size and the bespoke bottles £14.  All details are on Crystal’s Face Book page, just call up Snowdrop Workshop. 


Saturdays in the Tavern on the road between Portnoo and Ardara a craft fair brings a wide selection of delights.  Through the summer this fair has become an established rendezvous for local people and visitors to this part of Donegal.  Fresh vegetables, plants, home made breads and cakes, jewellery and knitwear and this year a new family to delight children and adults alike.  Susie Harkin crochets beautiful blankets and bags but she’s branched out with these loveable little bears.  Visit Saturday 9th July and find out more about all the fun of the fair at Face Book Kilclooney Country Market

Art Appreciation!


Thank you to the reader who asked me to find Bay Rum Hair Tonic for her  partner who says it takes his hair look thicker and better looking .  Well May, your best bet is Amazon Online where you will find a variety of these hair tonics at various prices.  Famous is Captain Fawcett’s product at £16, it’s an interesting place, an emporium no less, home to a simply delectable range of first class gentlemen’s grooming requisites including Bay Rum. A refreshing blend infused with woody aromatics evoking the warm spiced air of the West Indies.  A zesty, masculine fragrance created by steeping bay leaves in rum as did sailors of old.  It has the instantly recognisable uplifting scent of traditional barbershops around the globe.

Their page gives a list of stockists but none show up  in Northern Ireland so worth getting in touch and placing an order.  If it’s that effective I might even do so myself!

Here’s A Tale To Be Told. 

The old violin was battered and scarred and the auctioneer thought it hardly worth wasting time on the ancient instrument.  He held it up with a smile.  “What am I bid good people,” he cried.  “Who starts the bidding for me, a fiver?  No?  Three pounds? Two pounds?  One pound do I hear one pound?” – but no one moved a muscle or blinked an eye.  Then from far back in the room an elderly grey bearded man came forward and picked up the bow and wiping the dust from the old violin and tightening up the strings he began to play.  There wasn’t a sound in the room as he played a melody pure and sweet, as sweet as the angels singing.  

The music ceased and the auctioneer, in a voice as quiet and low said, “What now am I bid for this old violin?” 

The room responded.  “Two thousand” The auctioneer was delighted.  “Who makes it three? Three thousand, once three thousand twice, going going gone.” The audience cheered, some of them cried.  “We do not understand why, what changed?” Quickly came the reply from someone in the front row seats.  “Don’t you understand, it was the touch of the master’s hand.”

The Masters Hand. Myra Brooks Welsh